Covid Tongue
So far we have heard some of the symptoms that the coronavirus causes in our body, such as fever and dry cough. In addition to the loss of taste and smell, COVID toes, unusual skin rashes. Several studies show, however, that the tongue can also be a key factor in detecting if you have this disease.
According to Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, a stained, discolored or strangely ulcerated tongue could be new symptoms of covid and we should be on alert as this pathology is already being recognized as: “Covid Tongue”

In addition, this symptom(covid tongue) is also confirmed by the La Paz Hospital in Madrid, who have carried out a study together with the Madrid Health Service (SEMAS) that has been published in the British Journal of Dermatology where they have analyzed cases of Covid hospitalized during the month April 2020, confirming that 25% of COVID19 patients presented alterations in the tongue and mouth, and up to 40% in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
” It is a finding that can help the diagnosis, such as loss of smell or loss of taste, ” says dermatologist Almudena Nuño González
What are the symptoms of the Covid Tongue?
- Increase in the size of the tongue
- Transient lingual papillitis (a kind of bump) in a U-shape
- Loss of taste
- Burning in the oral cavity
- Peeling
- Spots
What to do if you believe you have Covid tongue?
When you detect tongue oddities alongside other, more recognizable symptoms such as fever, loss of taste and smell, cough, shortness of breath, it could be an indication of coronavirus. The best way to confirm is to be tested for Covid-19.
Preventative dentistry is a major focus of Dr. Pascal Terjanian’s practice. He considers the role of nutrition and overall physical health when assessing dental issues and appropriate treatments. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups form the foundations of preventative dentistry. Dr. Pascal Terjanian maintains a blog on dental issues, covering preventative dentistry topics.